
Thursday, November 13, 2014

March for Life 2015 is Coming

Thursday, January 22 in Washington, DC
How will you spend it?

Every January, hundreds of thousands of pro-lifers assemble in our nation's capital to declare their opposition to abortion. Every January, Center for Bio-Ethical Reform is there to show them how to do it better.

We have always felt that the pro-life movement is stronger than it gives itself credit for being, and capable of so much more than it attempts. While not dismissing the victories that continue to be won by a heroic minority, we are certain that a change in mindset by the majority would end abortion far sooner than most of them ever imagined. 

What needs to change, you ask?

  • First, pro-lifers must realize that abortion victim images are a vital component of our mission, and we hide them at our peril. Victim images are not "judgmental" or "mean". They arenot inappropriate or demeaning. They are not detrimental to our cause. They are, in fact, the most powerful resource we have available as we desperately try to get the attention of a world gone mad. 
  • Secondly, pro-lifers must begin living lives of sacrificial commitment. We must be willing to forfeit "ordinary life" until the scourge of child-killing is stamped out. We must learn to live as a people at war. It is not enough to march once in a while, vote every so often, donate a pittance and pray when the mood takes us. If we want the world to take us seriously, if we want the leaders we just elected to do what they promised to do, each one of us must live like we mean business. We must strive relentlessly to change the public perception of abortion and drive the abortionists out of our communities. We must get up every morning and ask ourselves, 'what is my role in ending slaughter today?' This is not too much to ask. It is simply how a good person behaves when his or her neighbor is in danger.
So, what will we do?

To this end, we have, for more than 15 years, displayed our Genocide Awareness Project (GAP) on the March for Life route for all to see. Several years ago, we began supplementing this with our Run 2 The Battle display. GAP demonstrates how the use of victim images is both justifiable and effective. Run 2 The Battle demonstrates that loving your neighbor means defending him all year round, not just when it fits into our schedule. In 2015 we have even greater plans in mind.

Will you help us do it?

We need dozens of volunteers to make these projects successful. We need people to set up the GAP display in the morning and dismantle it after the march has passed. We need people to hold our Run 2 The Battle banners and distribute our literature. We need people to provide refreshments for the volunteers and run errands on foot. In short, we need as much help as we can get.

Please, even if you have already made tentative plans for the March for Life, consider how your time is best spent. Before we change the world we must first change ourselves. Will you be a part of our March for Life team? If so, please contact us at or 419-889-0881.

You will not regret being a part of this vital quest to change the way the movement moves.

Until Love and Life Prevail,
The CBR Maryland team

To help CBR Maryland carry out its dual tasks of awakening the church and educating the culture, contact us at 419-889-0881 or visit our website at

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