
Monday, December 29, 2014

Are you coming to the March?‏

From Martin Fox, President
National Pro-Life Alliance

On January 22nd 1973 the Supreme Court handed down abortion-on-demand with their infamous decision on Roe v. Wade.

Every year since then, in what has become known as the "March for Life" pro-lifers gather at our nation's capitol to memorialize that decision and protest the devastating aftermath.

The very first March had 25,000 activists in attendance. Since then it has grown exponentially, to a regular participation of hundreds of thousands of activists, with young people coming out in droves. If you've ever been to one, you know it's an inspiring sight.

And there is a mostly untold story of many hundreds of thousands of concerned Americans, who can't come to Washington each year for the march, because of work, family or other duties.  But they pray in vigils to send off the marchers, they gather at places of worship, they fast and pray as they tend to their daily tasks, schoolchildren at their desks, and much more. No one but God knows just how many people are part of the March without being there. But it is a vast number, I am convinced.

Which is why I'm inviting you to join the National Pro-Life Alliance staff, myself, our volunteers and a host of other pro-lifers at this year's March for Life. Click here to let me know that you're coming.

This coming March for Life (on January 22, 2015) will be particularly significant for a couple of reasons.

First, it will be the 42nd anniversary since the Supreme Court legalized abortion-on-demand.

Second, this March will also have the most pro-abortion president in History sitting in the White House.

The past six years has made his agenda very clear -- he has already given the abortion lobby free reign of the White House and our taxpayer dollars.  Barack Obama has made it clear that he will do everything in his power to advance abortion even further.

You and I must make sure the politicians know that not only are the eyes of the American people on them, but also that we will not tolerate any move to support the president's abortion agenda.  Which is why I am inviting you to join me and my staff at the March for Life this year.

It would be an honor to personally meet you and the other members who have made all of the progress we've made together possible. This year the March will be held on Thursday, January 22nd on the Mall. More details of where your National Pro-Life Alliance will be meeting will be forthcoming, so save the date.

We will be doing more than just marching, however. We will also be collecting petitions to add support for the Life at Conception Act. Which is why I pray that if you are able that you'll join us. A Life at Conception Act would legislatively overturn Roe v. Wade and ultimately put an end to abortion-on-demand.

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