
Monday, December 29, 2014

Still Vanishing: 73 Abortion Facilities Shut Down in 2014 According to New Report

By Cheryl Sullenger
Operation Rescue

Washington, DC - A new survey conducted by Operation Rescue of all abortion facilities in the United States has confirmed that the abortion clinic closure trend continued strongly in 2014.

Operation Rescue is the only pro-life organization that maintains a listing of abortion facilities and tracks clinic closures and its extensive research has provided the most accurate accounting of abortion facilities known to exist.

"We are continuing to witness the implosion of the abortion cartel in America," said Troy Newman, President of Operation Rescue. "The only things that are preventing total collapse are court injunctions that are blocking several state abortion safety laws from being enforced. Once those laws clear the courts, we expect to see even more dangerous abortion facilities close. This is great news for women and babies because when abortion clinics close, lives are saved."

In all, 73 abortion facilities shut down for all or part of the year. The total number of all remaining abortion clinics in the US is currently 739. Of those 551 are surgical facilities and 188 supply medication abortions only.

These numbers represent a net decrease in abortion facilities in America, continuing a trend that has been ongoing for over two decades. In all 75% of abortion clinics have closed since 1991.

Notable abortion clinic closures in 2014 include:

Outpatient Services for Women, Oklahoma City, OK: This surgical clinic shut down after the arrest on December 9 of clinic owner and operator Naresh Patel on charges of fraud and racketeering after Operation Rescue filed complaints. Patel had been caught selling abortion pills to women who were not pregnant.

All Women's Health, Chicago, IL: Clinic owner, abortionist Mandy Gittler, closed this facility after local activists protested there over the death of Tonya Reaves, which was killed by Gittler in 2012 at a Chicago Planned Parenthood clinic.

Aid for Women, Kansas City, MO: Operation Rescue discovered evidence of multiple abortion abuses and lodged complaints. This facility was best known for suing in court for the right to stop reporting child sex abuse. Under pressure from the medical board and struggling for business, Aid for Women, finally shut down.

To read the full report visit

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