
Thursday, December 4, 2014

Is Your Phone Pro-Life?‏


From Susan B. Anthony List

This year the major cell phone carriers provided millions to help elect pro-abortion politicians at all levels of government - local, state and national.

Every dollar you spend with them helps to further pro-abortion policies in this country.

But you have a choice. Susan B. Anthony List has teamed up with Eos Mobile, a cell phone company founded by conservatives, for conservatives. Sign up with Eos now and up to 3% of every bill will go to help fund SBA List’s efforts to support pro-life candidates. 

With Eos Mobile you get:

  • The same nationwide coverage and superfast data speeds you're used to.
  • Pricing that is up to 30% cheaper than what you have today.
  • The peace of mind knowing that your cell phone plan is directly supporting the pro-life efforts of Susan B. Anthony list.

Or call 877-367-7524 to get started

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