
Thursday, December 4, 2014

Woman Who Almost Aborted Her Daughter Defends Pro-Life Counseling

by Nancy Flanders
Live Action News

Abortion activists in the UK are calling for laws to prohibit abortion protesters from being too close to clinics. But one woman, who herself was headed to abort her daughter, is praising pro-life activists and crediting them with saving her daughter’s life.

In an interview with BBC, Suzan Briggs, a 27 year old mother of four, said she is thankful that the pro-life group Abort67 was there when she headed to the abortion clinic while pregnant with her fourth child. Fearing that she couldn’t handle having another child, Briggs decided that abortion was the only choice so she scheduled the appointment. She told BBC:

Nancy Flanders is a work at home mom who writes about parenting, special needs children, and the right to life. She is the lucky mother of three spirited little girls, one who has cystic fibrosis, and she spends any free moment she can find fundraising for a cure for CF. You can read her personal blog at

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