
Sunday, February 15, 2015

Brownsville, Texas 5th Annual Hike for Life Scheduled for April 11, 2015


From Martin Leal 

Hike for Life is a pro-life walk held once a year in various locations around Texas that raises money for area Crisis Pregnancy Centers and raises awareness of the dignity of all human life, from conception to natural death. The funds raised by Hike for Life are distributed to Crisis Pregnancy Centers in the area where the Hike is held.

Why $625? You will see a lot of the Hikers have $625 listed as their goal - $625 is the amount that it takes to save a baby from abortion in most cities in Texas. Years ago the President of Hike for Life interviewed several Pregnancy Resource Centers to find out how much it cost to keep their doors open. After finding this out, and finding out the average number of babies saved from abortion at each of these centers $625 ended up being the cost of saving a life. So we encourage each Hiker to try and save one life if they can, or to get together with some friends and combine their efforts to save a life, or two.

The Brownsville Hike for Life hopes to raise enough funds to help Gift of Life Pregnancy Center  keep their doors open, and they need to raise $15,000 to do this.   You can be an important part of this program no matter where you live by using this link to make a donation; or if you are from the area to register to participate.  
Our Crisis Pregnancy Centers are a crucial part of the pro-life movement.  Please be generous with your gift.  We cannot allow even one to shut it's doors!

The mission of the Gift of Life Pregnancy Center is to foster a Dignity centered view of human life and sexuality consistent with Catholic moral teachings, by offering hope and compassionate help, thus enabling positive, life-affirming choices by:
  • Saving the lives of unborn children.
  • Providing physical, emotional, practical and spiritual help for women and men with unplanned pregnancies.
  • Offering support and healing to victims of past abortions.
  • Preventing crisis pregnancies through abstinence education
  • Providing education to the community on issues regarding the Sanctity of Human Life. 

For more information, contact:

Martin Leal at or at their website at

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