
Saturday, February 14, 2015

Planned Parenthood’s Formula for Sex Education

Warning: linked content is not suitable for children

From Pennsylvania Family Institute

Thousands of young people – starting as early as age 6 – are taught sex-ed by Planned Parenthood every year.¹ This education could be summed up by the following:
Porn x (50 Shades of Grey + Abortion) = Sex-Ed by Planned Parenthood

Breaking down this formula:
Pornography: Planned Parenthood has no problem telling 9-year-olds to view porn. Instead of telling kids to play tee-ball together they encourage viewing erotic magazines, books and movies. Even porn producers have praised their efforts.

(It’s ironic that recently Planned Parenthood blasted Pennsylvania state officials for hundreds of porn images found on their computers. Apparently it’s not okay for elected officials but good for 4th graders.)

50 Shades of Grey: Planned Parenthood tells teens that “anything within the sexual world is normal as long as it’s consensual.” Instead of sharing why the risky and violent behavior shown in 50 Shades of Grey encourages men to be sexual predators and disables safeguards for women, Planned Parenthood runs teacher conferences on how to encourage this behavior.

They have videos targeting young people too (see parts of video below).


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