
Thursday, February 5, 2015

Gestational Carrier Bill, S866, Added to Today's Senate Voting Session Board List

Immediate Action Needed Now!‏

Marie Tasy
Executive Director

The NJ Senate Health Committee released bill S866 on Monday, January 26, 2015 by a vote of 5-0 with two abstentions.Governor Christie vetoed an identical bill in August of 2012. They held a hearing on the bill on January 26 even after the Governor declared a state of emergency and ordered all state offices closed due to inclement weather. Now they are trying to push the bill through at the last minute, hoping for little or no opposition.

Please contact your State Senator and urge them to Vote No on S866/A2648.See Action item below for more details.

Senate Bill Sponsors are Senators Joseph Vitale (D-19), Senator Loretta Weinberg (D-37), Senator Brian Stack (D-33 ) and Senator Diane Allen (R-7).

Sponsors in the Assembly are Assemblywoman Valerie Vanieri Huttle (D-37) and Assemblywoman Annette Quijano (D-20).

The bill passed previously in 2012 by only one vote in both the Senate and Assembly and was vetoed by Governor Christie.

The bill would further advance the profits of a lucrative fertility industry which remains unregulated and would add to the number of embryonic human beings created in IVF labs, experimented on and killed for research purposes and aborted through selective reduction. The bill will legalize the commodification and exploitation of women, disregarding women’s health, turn pregnancy and the miracle of birth into just another commercial transaction and a baby into a product. The legislation would permit payment of “reasonable expenses” to the gestational “carrier,” including “living expenses during her pregnancy including payments for food, clothing, medical expenses, shelter and religious, psychological, vocational or similar counseling services during the pregnancy and during the period of postpartum.” It also redefines the the meaning of “natural mother” and “biological father” in law, setting the stage for many complex legal, ethical and societal problems.

Read more about this issue from the Center of Bioethics and Culture Network here.

Take Action:

Contact your State Senator and urge them to Vote No on S866/A2648. You can obtain their names and contact information by calling the Office of Legislative Services at during regular business hours, 1-800-792-8630 - 1-800-792-8630 FREE. You can also find their contact info by visiting the NJ Legislature’s website at the following this link.

Thank you for taking action in this important item.

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