
Thursday, February 5, 2015


The following are events taking place during the 40 Days for Life Spring Campaign in West Chester, PA.  Those living in or around this area are encouraged to attend these events.  For more information, please contact Paulette Matthews at


We do not usually start our 40 Days for Life Campaign in the spirit of Thanksgiving, but there has been a monumental event that has taken place in Bryan/College Station, Texas.

In 1998 Planned Parenthood proposed and built a free standing surgical abortion facility in Bryan/College Station. In response, the local christian community united together and formed their first pro-life coalition which eventually lead to the inception of the very first 40 Days for Life. Because of their total commitment to prayer, fasting, public witness and faith that,"with God all things are possible", Bryan/College Station Planned Parenthood closed their doors forever in 2013.

But God was not finished answering prayers. The local Hope Pregnancy center was looking to expand their services and needed more space so they quietly negotiated to purchase Planned Parenthood's building. They were able to purchase the building at 40 % below the market price as the building had been sitting empty for months. To assist Hope Pregnancy Center in their expanded service, Dr. Haywood Robinson and his wife Dr. Noreen Robinson are moving their private practices into the building to give life affirming care. Both of these physicians at one time preformed abortions but through the grace of God had a change of hearts and became pro-life advocates and have been working with the pro-life community for years.

The Pro-life Coalition and 40 Days For Life offices are also in this building kicking off this Spring International Campaign. A building, where 6,400 babies died, is now a place of hope and help where "no more babies die and no more women cry."

If this can happen in Texas, it can happen here in West Chester.

We are also thankful for the 9,699 babies that have been spared from abortion, 107 abortion workers that left the death industry and 59 abortion centers that closed since 2007. 36 of those babies have been saved right down in West Chester.


“This documentary 40 presents the pro-life movement in the United States through the eyes, the words, and the experiences of its members. It offers an eye-opening review of history to those new to the pro-life cause, and reminds us all of how far we have come and of the challenges we still face in standing up for life.” — Francis Cardinal George, O.M.I, Archbishop of Chicago

Thomas Ackerman will lead us in prayer and praise.

Thomas was born in Yeshua (Jesus) ten years ago and is a member of a traditional Baptist Church. He remains faithful to his Jewish faith by keeping Jewish feast days and liturgy in his home. Thomas has worked in the ministry for several years and has participated in 40 Days for Life Campaigns also in Washington, DC and the Philadelphia area. Thomas is dedicated to on going Pro-life work as well as being a force of reform and restoration in the church through his group, "The Holiness of the Bride",
Jenny (Xinwen in Chinese) was born in South China. Thomas and Jenny was married five years ago in a Messianic Jewish ceremony in Canton. They have been blessed with two amazing children. Last year his youngest child was called back to the Lord due to a serious heart defects.

Jenny is a Christian homemaker, leads an Awana children's Bible group and is Thomas' interpreter when he ministers to Chinese speaking people.

Jason Sweet and Ann Marie Nabieu will accompany Thomas and Jenny in their service of prayers and praise.

All men, especially, the Knights of Columbus and Kings Men are invited to come and pray for an hour in front of Planned Parenthood on the feast day of St. Joseph. Many babies are destroyed when men turn away from their roles as husbands and fathers. Come and pray in front of Planned Parenthood giving public example that men care and accept the responsibility of fatherhood. Please e-mail me the hours you plan on witnessing for the children to the community as my husband and I try to fill in the hours that are not taken that day.

Prayer For All Men to Conform Their Will of God

Great St. Joseph, to whose will the Savior subjected Himself, obtain for all men the grace to subject themselves in all things to the will of God. Through the merits you obtained when in the darkness of night you obeyed the angel's commands, ask for all men this grace, that nothing may detain them from fulfilling the will of God with perfect conformity. In the stable of Bethlehem, on the flight to Egypt, you recommended yourself and those dear to you to divine Providence. Ask for all men this same grace to conform themselves to the will of God in discouragement and despondency, in health and sickness, in happiness and misfortune, in success and failure so that nothing may disturb the tranquility of their soul in obediently following the way of God for them.. Amen


Our Lord suffered and died to make reparation for the sins of humanity. Consequently, the devotions to the Stations of the Cross is most appropriate to said in front of Planned Parent where the shedding of innocent blood is practiced.

Christ was crucified because he was born the son of God; these children are sacrificed because they were conceived. In so many ways, we are all victim of abortion.

Each Palm Sunday, we bring a Cross down in front of Planned Parenthood and reflect on the Crucifixion of Christ.

This hour of pray is very accepted by the people passing by as it puts Easter in its true perspective. We encourage you to bring your children with you as we ask the children to participate in the reading of the stations. Who better to lead us than the children.

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