
Saturday, February 14, 2015

Planned Parenthood President Parleys with Progressive Pennsylvanians

From Pennsylvania Family Institute 

Last week liberal Pennsylvanians gathered in Harrisburg for the Pennsylvania Progressive Summit, which was keynoted by Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont and Cecile Richards, president of the Planned Parenthood Federation of America—the country’s largest abortion business. Two remarks worth mentioning:

  • Richards proudly stated that Planned Parenthood patched patients in their waiting rooms through to congressmen to lobby for pro-abortion policies. We couldn’t ask for a better example of Planned Parenthood politicizing its health care; they literally use their clinics and their patients for politics. It’s difficult to imagine the coldness it takes to harangue a vulnerable woman waiting for an abortion into chit-chatting with a Congressional office. Planned Parenthood’s tagline is “Care. No matter what.” More accurate would be “Politics. No matter what.” 
  • Richards announced “We are 100% of America’s tomorrow.” It takes chutzpah for the head of an organization dedicated to destroying the future in utero to crow about owning “tomorrow.”

The Mission of the Pennsylvania Family Institute is to strengthen families by restoring to public life the traditional, foundational principles and values essential for the well-being of society. We are the only full-time, professionally staffed non-profit organization representing family values—your values—in the state capitol. We encourage responsible citizenship and involvement in civic affairs to promote respect for life, family, marriage and religious liberty.

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