
Saturday, May 16, 2015

Girl Saved from Abortion Tells Pro-lifers: ‘Your Prayers Saved my Life’

by Alexandra Liebl
Live Action News 

Roughly 10,000 lives have been saved from abortion due to the prayerful efforts of David Bereit’s 40 Days for Life campaign. Leah, a 4-year-old girl, is one of these lives.

As a pregnant 19-year-old, Leah’s mother was scared and seriously considering abortion. While heading to an abortion facility, she drove by the local 40 Days for Life campaign. Moved to tears by the overwhelming power of prayer, Leah’s mother chose life.

Four years later at OneLifeLA rally, Bereit shared Leah’s story, and then welcomed her and her mother onto the stage to a crowd of 15,000 pro-lifers. Leah’s shirt read: “Your prayers saved my life.”

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