
Thursday, May 14, 2015

Pro-Lifers Plan to "Greet" Pro-Aborts as they Celebrate in Austin, Texas next Tuesday

John Pisciotta
Director of Pro-Life Waco

Meet-up of pro-aborts and pro-lifers in Austin!

Yes, you have read this correctly.

Abortion enthusiasts will celebrate “Cocktails for a Cause” to benefit Planned Parenthood Austin. And pro-lifers will be there to greet them with appropriate signs to challenge all that Planned Parenthood does and stands for. (We won’t be using graphic images for this outreach.)
  • When will our outreach take place? Tuesday May 19 from 5 to 7 p.m.
  • What location? The sidewalks (public right of way) outside “The Belmont” at 305 W. 6th Street in downtown Austin.
  • Who will be there on our side? Your old and new friends from Waco and greater Austin.
  • Why are we doing this? To communicate to hundreds on both sides of the pro-life/pro-abortion divide that Planned Parenthood is NOT ok. In addition to praying, offering abortion options, writing, talking, politicking about this reality, we will also proclaim and discuss this IN PERSON and invite others to join.
Abortion supporters will go out to 305 W 6th Street on Tuesday and pay $65. You can simply come out at no charge. Plus, Pro-Life Waco will bring signs that you and others can hold. If you have never been involved in pro-life outreach, let May 19 be the day you will always remember. Life can be rewarding outside your comfort zone.

And here is my final big reason to participate. One article on the event said that “Ms. Abortion”, former Texas Senator and Texas gov candidate Wendy Davis will be there. We have signs made just for Ms. Davis. For example, “Aborted baby girls will never wear pink tennis shoes.”

If you are thinking about joining this outreach, I would appreciate your letting me know so we can plan. If you are from the Waco area and want to join a car pool, I need to know.

I believe this will be one of the most significant and memorable events in Texas for 2015. PP Austin has had the “Cocktails for a Cause” event for 7 years. They have never been publicly challenged before May 19.

This will be Planned Parenthood's Austin social and fundraising event. With your participation, we will reverse this evening to the benefit of the Gospel of Life.

I apologize for only inviting Central Texans. You are certainly welcome to come in from Laredo, Texarkana, Amarillo, Dallas, El Paso, and Houston.

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