
Thursday, July 30, 2015

AUG 22: #PPSellsBabyParts National Day of Protest

From Eric Scheidler,
Executive Director
Pro-Life Action League

Today a fourth undercover video was released showing Planned Parenthood doctors callously discussing how to dismember aborted babies and sell their body parts for profit.

Even pro-choice people are horrified by what they've been seeing in these videos -- Planned Parenthood's doctors pricing out fetal hearts and livers, and JOKING about it!

This has become a HUGE national story, and Planned Parenthood is in full damage-control mode. They know their massive $500 million taxpayer subsidy is threatened like never before!

Now it's time to ramp up the pressure on Planned Parenthood by making this a LOCAL issue, and putting the focus on the Planned Parenthood facilities where this barbarism is taking place.

That's why, together with my friends Mark Harrington (Created Equal) and Monica Miller (Citizens  or Pro-Life Society) I'm calling for a National Day of Protest on August 22.

But we need YOUR help to make this protest day a success.

Local leaders are needed to organize #PPSellsBabyParts protests at their local Planned Parenthood facilities. Are you being called to host one of these protests on August 22?  If so, sign on here

At that site, you'll be able to see what protests are already scheduled, get resources for organizing a protest, find talking points on this scandal, and more.

We may never have a better opportunity to defund Planned Parenthood and expose the truth about this cruel, corrupt organization. Please pray for the success of this endeavor, and help out in any way you can.

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