
Thursday, July 30, 2015

AUL Reacts to Newest Planned Parenthood Video; Announces Unborn Infants Dignity Act

Americans United for Life Says Fourth Shocking Planned Parenthood Video Underscores Issues in Letter Sent to Congress

AUL Announces the ‘Unborn Infants Dignity Act,’ model legislation that would require a “humane handling of the broken bodies of unborn infants.”

“Legislators at the federal level should immediately freeze tax dollars from going to the discredited, abortion-industry leader during this investigation,” said Dr. Yoest. “And this is also a time for us to consider how to show respect to unborn children who do not survive to take their first breath.”
From Kristi Hamrick
American United for Life

WASHINGTON, D.C. (07-30-15) – “Repercussions from public and political reaction to the shocking spectacle of Planned Parenthood abortionists picking over the bodies of their unborn victims to sell their tiny human organs while collecting more than half-a-billion dollars from taxpayers will be felt at the federal and state levels,” predicted Americans United for Life President & CEO Dr. Charmaine Yoest. “Today’s video from the Center for Medical Progress illustrates AUL’s concerns, detailed last week in a letter to Congress, especially in light of the profiteering by abortion industry employees.  (Click here to read more.)  This new video shows that Planned Parenthood President Cecile Richards is less than truthful in the face of evidence that abortionists working for her organization are making specific plans to profit from harvesting infant hearts, lungs, livers and limbs.

“This new Planned Parenthood video also includes an admission from Dr. Savita Ginde that she performs three to seven second trimester D&E abortions a day, and that these infants are sometimes delivered ‘intact,’” noted Yoest. “The context is related to the greater marketability of these intact infants, but this begs the question of whether some of these babies are alive at the time.”

Ginde notes that less than 10% of their aborted babies are intact. “That’s not what we go for,” says Ginde. Many babies in the second trimester have reached medical viability and could survive outside the womb.

This is a particular concern because the state of Colorado does not have a Born-Alive Infant Protection law. At the invitation of Colorado legislators, Dr. Yoest testified in support of such a law in March. However, after official opposition from Planned Parenthood of Colorado, the Public Health Care and Human Services Committee voted the legislation down.

Also noteworthy, Ginde says that she has to talk to “Deb,” who is Dr. Deborah Nucatola, the Senior Director of Medical Services for Planned Parenthood, the doctor featured in the first-released video. This comment highlights Nucatola's knowledge and involvement with Planned Parenthood's abortion profiteering and the systemic corruption of the organization. Congressman Fred Upton, the Chairman of the House Energy and Commerce Committee has asked Dr. Nucatola to brief the Committee and respond to questions about Planned Parenthood’s involvement in the sale of organs from aborted infants. Planned Parenthood has responded that they will not make Dr. Nucatola available prior to the July 31st deadline.

“We’ve now seen three different Planned Parenthood doctors involved in abortion profiteering. Cecile Richards and her allies in Congress and the Obama Administration continue to deny, dodge and distract in order to avoid addressing the brutal reality these videos have revealed. The American people are demanding a response,” said Yoest. “The nation's number one abortion federation has received billions of tax dollars over the years, and now is the time to pass the No Taxpayer Funding of Abortion Act.

“This is also a time for us to begin showing respect to unborn children who do not survive to take their first breath. AUL has developed the ‘Unborn Infants Dignity Act,’ model legislation that would require a humane handling of the bodies of unborn infants. We will be working to pass this bill in all fifty states.”

To learn more about the legal issues at play in the scandal so far, click here.

To learn more about AUL’s efforts to get President Obama to take action against Planned Parenthood profiting from the sale of fetal tissue click here.

Americans United for Life (AUL) is the legal architect of the pro-life movement. We are accumulating victories, building momentum, and advancing a culture of life in America. Our vision is a nation in which everyone is welcomed in life and protected in law. The first national pro-life organization in America, AUL has been committed to defending human life since 1971.

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