
Saturday, July 25, 2015

Coca-Cola, Ford, Xerox Detest Being Listed as Planned Parenthood Sponsors in Light of Baby Parts Selling Scandal

by Samuel Smith
Christian Post

Three major American corporations have told the nation's largest abortion provider that they no longer want to be listed as corporate sponsors after two recent viral videos purport to show representatives of Planned Parenthood discussing the sale of baby body parts.

Officials from Coca-Cola, Ford Motor Co. and Xerox have told The Daily Signal, a news site founded by the conservative Heritage Foundation, that they have asked the abortion giant to remove their companies' names from the abortion provider's list of corporate donors.

The move comes after the Daily Signal posted the names of Planned Parenthood's 41 corporate sponsors — a list that is no longer available on the Planned Parenthood website — following the controversy surrounding the recently released undercover videos by Center for Medical Progress.

Although pro-choice advocates say the video footage produced by CMP, which is run by longtime pro-life activist David Daleiden, was highly edited to make the organization look bad, that did not prevent these three organizations from claiming that Planned Parenthood was misleading the public by including them on its list of sponsors.

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