
Friday, July 24, 2015

Call for Participation in an Urgent Pro-life Rally in Waco or a City Near You on Tuesday July 28


John Pisciotta, Director 
Pro-Life Waco

WACO, TEXAS IS IN as one of over 50 cities responding to the national call for rallies on July 28 to demand an end to Planned Parenthood desecration of the unborn with organ harvesting AND for the total cessation of taxpayer funding of Planned Parenthood.

Will 200, 300, or more Christians stand together in public next Tuesday July 28 in opposition to the callous atrocities we read and hear about at Planned Parenthood? I seek your participation in the Women Betrayed Rally in Waco—or in another city closer to you. Rallies are also planned for Houston, San Antonio, Austin and Fort Worth. The killing of babies in the womb and harvesting and marketing of their organs must stop.

The rally happens at 9-10 a.m. Tuesday July 28 on the 5th Street side of the McLennan County Courthouse. I hope you will be present for possibly the most important event in the history of pro-life outreach in Waco.

I realize I.m not giving you much time to plan your schedule. Video revelations about Planned Parenthood began just two weeks ago. This created a firestorm of concern and controversy. Just last week, Students for Life in America issued the call for national rallies on the date of July 28. At this time of greater awareness of the moral crisis in America, it is urgent for more Christians to reach out in public witness.

Pro-Life Waco and Righteous Remnant has rushed to put together a fine program of speakers that will include:
Rev. Joe Geleney, St Mary’s Catholic Church
Rev. John Guzaldo, St. Louis Catholic Church
Rev. Ramiro Peña, Christ the King Baptist Church
John Pisciotta, Pro-Life Waco
Jessica Weatherby, Righteous Remnant
Molly White, Texas State Representative from Belton
Christian public witness is vital as a counterpoint to the silence in the press about the desecration of the bodies of precious little ones. A new video, more damning than the first, was released on Tuesday the 21st. I hoped for a substantial news article in the Waco Tribune-Heraldon Wednesday. The video did not receive a single word. Instead, there was a story about teenagers’ increased use of the abortifacient morning-after pill.

I am a little frustrated. However, I know God will act for good as we step forward in Christian discipleship to defend the defenseless that Jesus loves so dearly.

For more on the national outreach led by Students for Life in America, use this link.

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