
Friday, July 3, 2015

Joshua - North Carolina's Pro-Life Youth Camp July 17=19, 2015

Are you a high school student who wants to learn how to be a pro-life leader?

Come to Camp Joshua and learn how to help bring down the walls of the culture of death. Enjoy dynamic speakers, hands-on experience, interactive games, great food, and new friends.

Event description:

Camp Joshua is a weekend camp designed to train high school students to be effective pro-life leaders now and in the future. It covers all the basics of pro-life issues in classes and hands-on workshops.

Just as Joshua took down the walls of Jericho, the young men and women of Camp Joshua will lead their generation in bringing down the walls of the culture of death. They will be Joshua to our world in need.

Camp Joshua is part of the Life and Leadership Camps Initiative, a nationwide pro-life program developed by National Right to Life, Louisiana Right to Life, and Wisconsin Right to Life. Camp Joshua North Carolina is a project of North Carolina Right to Life (NCRTL).
CJNC is open to all religious denominations.

Camp Joshua North Carolina is a jam packed pro-life weekend that will equip you to be a leader in building up the Culture of Life!

Ages: High School Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors
Camp Joshua costs $95 and includes all materials, a T-shirt, room, and board. Scholarships are available, but we strongly encourage students to reach out to their families and church communities for local financial support.


If you have questions about camp please contact: Natalie Votipka at or by phone at 336-274-5433

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