
Friday, July 3, 2015

Planned Parenthood Exposed - Please Sign the Petition to Defund this Abortion Giant

From Lila Rose
Live Action

Over 75,000 supporters agree: End the forced taxpayer funding of Planned Parenthood — that's why they have signed our petition to defund the abortion giant.

Planned Parenthood is America's largest abortion chain, and the greatest destroyer of preborn lives. Planned Parenthood kills over 300,000 preborn children every year. That's almost 900 babies every day — one child every 90 seconds.

We are taking this message to elected officials on Capitol Hill, but we need you to help us get there. Once we reach 100,000 signatures, we will send the message to Congress.

The preborn need you. Will you stand for them?  Help us reach 100,000 signatures Sign the petition. Then forward this to all your family and friends.


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