
Monday, July 13, 2015

LifeBoat Coffee Co. -- America's Pro-Life Coffee Company

Our founder has spent many years inside and around pro-life groups around the United States, literally from coast-to-coast. And, it dawned on him in 2013, that, what all “front-line” pro-life groups really need is a simplified way to receive sustainable financial help with no costs, tricks or gimmicks! So why not sell coffee, something 65% of all American's drink everyday, to help the unborn, the elderly and the infirm?

Our founder and President, John Lillis, (known affectionately as: The Skipper), is married and he and his wife have been blessed with seven children and two grand children (so far)! His wife Paula is a tireless working-mother, caring for children in every way since 1991 while also working full time in the title business until 2000! Their children age from 24 to 6, with stops all the way down in between. John spent 20+ years in the media, both secular and Christian and is, in fact, a proto-survivor of America’s abortion-holocaust, being born and abandoned (left for adoption), in San Francisco at the end of August of 1967, some five-months after the California legislature passed the Therapeutic Abortion Act!

Growing up in the City of San Francisco, John witnessed a lot of change in the 1970's and 1980's and he spent a great deal of his life sharing in his adoptive mother and father’s work, volunteering with the Respect Life Commission and the St. Vincent DePaul Society. After one year in community college in San Francisco, already a veteran of the Sea Scouts of America, John enlisted in the United States Coast Guard. After his time in the service, John worked in the food and beverage industry, finding his way in life wasn't always going to be easy and he questioned everything.

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