
Monday, July 13, 2015

Two States to Allow Birth Control Pills Over-the-counter, One to Minors

by Susan Michelle
Live Action News

Planned Parenthood is praising California and Oregon, where women will soon be able to have a brief consult with a pharmacist and walk out with hormonal contraception. And in California, even a 12-year old could theoretically walk in and buy birth control. Oregon will require women to be 18 or to show a previous prescription if they are under 18.

While California’s law passed in 2013, Oregon Governor Kate Brown signed a bill into law only last week, USA Today reports.They will be the first states to allow contraception without prescription.

And Planned Parenthood rejoiced. Kathy Kneer, president and CEO of Planned Parenthood Affiliates of California, said:

We support efforts like these that remove barriers to women gaining access to birth control and other reproductive health care [hormonal contraception is] so safe that the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists has recommended that it be available over the counter.

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Susan Michelle was born in Bethlehem to an unwed mother and rescued by Catholic nuns who took her to an orphanage in Bethlehem, which still helps single moms and rescues babies. Today she's an outspoken advocate for LIFE and speaks and writes about pro-life issues nationwide.

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