
Friday, July 24, 2015

Planned Parenthood Struggles Under Bad Publicity From Body Parts Trafficking Scandal

Democrats desperate to protect Planned Parenthood's sinking ship seek punitive DOJ investigation of Center for Medical Progress

By Cheryl Sullenger
Operation Rescue 

Washington, DC - David Daleiden, Director of the Center for Medical Progress, appeared on the Hannity Fox News program last night discussing his nearly 3-year investigation into Planned Parenthood's participation in the illegal profiting from the sale of aborted baby body parts that has resulted in national scandal.

Fox News Host Sean Hannity asked Daleiden, "So we are going to see tape after tape after tape as bad as the two we've already seen or worse?"

Daleiden responded, "Exactly. Even worse."

Daleiden continued, "We did this because Planned Parenthood had been harvesting and selling the body parts from the abortions they commit for decades now and no one has held them accountable. "They held themselves above the law and this is something offensive to the American public, it's offensive to us and human beings, it violates human dignity and it has to stop."

The fallout for Planned Parenthood has been staggering to the abortion giant, which was caught off-guard by the videos produced by the Center for Medical Progress in consultation with Operation Rescue.

Continue reading reaction -- some of it priceless -- to the latest undercover video and watch David on Hannity!

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