
Friday, July 24, 2015

#WomenBetrayed Rally Comes to the Delaware Valley

From the Pro-Life Union of Greater Philadelphia:
Following the release of the undercover videos showing horrific revelations regarding Planned Parenthood and the sale of aborted baby body parts, the pro-life community throughout the country is responding through public witness.

Already, several states have called for investigations, and some have even defunded Planned Parenthood from taxpayer dollars, but not Pennsylvania. It is time to defund Planned Parenthood and investigate the abortion giant.

Most importantly, we want women to know the truth about Planned Parenthood and abortion. We want women to know that there are options and that they and their unborn children matter!
Below is information for several places in the Delaware Valley where you can participate in this event.  

In center city Philadelphia:

For those who are unable to travel to center city, there will also be a rally at the Planned Parenthood in Warminster, PA.

 From Marie Tasy, New Jersey Right to Life: 
Every year, Planned Parenthood obsessed, NJ pro-abortion legislators try to reinstate millions of taxpayer dollars back in our state budget. Thanks to Governor Christie's vetoes, NJ taxpayers have not been funding the abortion giant through our state tax dollars.

Already, several states have called for investigations into this grisly body parts scheme, but more than half a billion dollars are still going to Planned Parenthood every year from our federal tax dollars and legislators here in NJ will not stop trying to fund the abortion giant.

We need to bring the power of the grassroots to Planned Parenthood. We need to stand up and show that we are sick of being forced to donate to Planned Parenthood through our tax dollars. If there is a chance that the abortion giant will be defunded from our tax dollars or that there be a proper governmental investigation into the activities of this organization, prayer and witness will need to be increased.
We are participating in the nationwide “Women Betrayed” rallies here in Trenton. These rallies are happening in dozens of cities across the country, all at the same time. And we need YOU to join us.
 For those who live in and around the Trenton area: 

The “Women Betrayed” rallies will be calling for three things:
  1. For an immediate investigation into the practices of Planned Parenthood by all state governments
  2. For all state governments and the federal government to immediately end taxpayer funding of Planned Parenthood
  3. For all 2016 presidential candidates to pledge to defund Planned Parenthood, if they are elected
For those who live in other areas of the country, please use this link to find a rally near you.

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