
Wednesday, January 27, 2016

40 Days for Life Spring Campaign Begins on February 10th in West Chester, Pa.

From Paulette Matthews
Chester County Pro-Life

  • 18th - 40 Days for Life Campaign
  • Opening Day Prayer Vigil
  • Abby Johnson
  • Midway Prayer Events
  • Knight of Columbus Honors Father Michael J. McGivney
  • Palm Sunday
  • 40 Days for Life Website & Podcast 
The following are events taking place during the 40 Days for Life Spring Campaign in West Chester, PA. Those living in or around this area are encouraged to attend these events. For more information, please contact Paulette Matthews at

18th - 40 Days for Life Campaign in Chester County, Pa.
February 10 to March 20th 8 AM to 8 PM
Planned Parenthood
8 S. Wayne and Market Street (West Chester)

This campaign starts with very good news. It was reported that one baby was saved during our last campaign which brings the total of the babies saved in West Chester since 2007 to 37 saves, that we now know of. It would be a spiritual boost to all of us that if you know of a baby saved during a campaign, you would share that blessing with me so I can pass it on to all of us. I have no other way of knowing.

Opening Day Prayer Vigil 

On the Opening Day, February 10th, of this campaign, we will have an ecumenical, candlelight prayer vigil in front of Planned Parenthood, 8th S. Wayne St. from 7 PM to 8 PM.

We have been praying for the end of abortion for over 40 years. We have watched laws give more protection to the unborn since the 1973 Supreme Court made abortion legal in all 50 states. We have worked at creating more crisis pregnancy centers than there are abortion facilities to provide help and hope to mothers. God, always, hears our prayer and is always faithful. 

In Psalm 94:4 (NIV) "They pour out arrogant words; all the evildoers are full of boasting." Who ever would have thought to pray that in the boastfulness of Planned Parenthood, they would, themselves, expose their own evil deeds. God has worked though David Daleiden with the videos that he has present and Lily Rose has just release another video talking with Leroy Carhart, the late term abortionist in Germantown, Md. The website exposes more of the evils of abortion. Through all of us, God is bring forth the truth and we must continue to spread his love and light.

Our candlelight pray hour will be held in the spirit of thankfulness that God has given us the insight and courage to unconditionally defend life and that God is sharing with us a glimpse of His unconditional love that He has for all of us. God has rewarded us in ways we never would have imagined. 

Matt 17:20 "Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you."

Abby Johnson 
Valentines's Day February 14th 
4 PM to 6 PM
St Peter's Catholic Church
2835 Manor Road
West Brandywine Rd. 19320

I cannot encourage you enough to attend Abby's event. Abby will share with you her spiritual journey. This is truly a story of love and what better day than Valentine's Day to learn how God is offering His love through Abby to His lost lambs working in the abortion mills.

Midway Prayer Events 


On March 5th from 9 AM to 10 AM, 40 Days will be joining with the Helpers of God Precious Infants to say the rosary in front of PP and then retire to St. Agnes' cafeteria for a continental breakfast and pro-life updates for our local areas. The Helpers are present at PP every 1st Saturday year round. Great way to meet more pro-life prayer warriors! All are invited to attend.


  Later the same day at 1:30 PM to 2:30 PM an ecumenical prayer service will be lead by Thomas Ackerman. Tom embraces the Messianic Jewish faith. We are hoping to reach out to the PP workers as they leave for the day at 2 PM with information from Abby Johnson's "And Then There Were None" ministry.

Hopefully, this will give the worker a chance to reconsider their life choices and have the help they need to leave the abortion industry.

Knight of Columbus Honors Father Michael J. McGivney
March 15 8 AM to 8 PM       


Pope Benedict XVI declared Fr. Michael J. McGivney venerable on March 15, 2008 approving a degree of "Heroic Virtue" for the parish priest who founded the Knights of Columbus. 

Through the Knight of Columbus, Fr. McGivney gave laymen a new opportunity-the chance to grow in holiness while contributing to their parishes, communities and security of their families.  All men are invited to stand in solidarity witnessing for the sanctity of human life and showing that men do take on the responsibly of fatherhood as men are the authors of life so designed by God. 

Sign up for an hour on the vigil calendar, if possible sign up for an hour or so after 12 noon til 8 PM. Tuesday morning is the day that the children loose their lives to abortion. From 8 AM to 12 noon many people are already there offering help and hope to the women going in for their abortions. The 12 PM til 8 PM hours are open.

     Palm Sunday

Palm Sunday marks the beginning of Holy Week. Jesus traveled to Jerusalem knowing that His journey would end in His sacrificial death on the cross for the sins of all mankind.

This is 40 Days for Life in West Chester greatest outreach prayer service to the local community to draw attention that children are being sacrificed right in their neighborhood. It is also a reminder that Christ died for them too no matter how busy they are or how irrelevant Christ seems to them. The Holy Spirit can turn a quick glance into a life time of change.

40 Days for Life Website & Podcast 

40 Days For Life now has podcasts! (click on the image above for more info) You can also log on to and learn how you can easily help make 40 Days more success than ever.

The vigil calendar for signing up your hours of prayer is much easier this campaign. All days of both months, Feb and March, are listed on one page. Just click on the day and the time slots are available.

Thank you for being faithful to the 40 Days for Life Campaign in West Chester. With out your sacrifices of time, prayer and inconveniences, we could not be embarking on our 18th Campaign in Chester County. Everyone of you is greatly need. Tell others what you are doing and invite them to go and prayer with you. It is such a blessing to have the opportunity to offer an hour of time in prayer which could become a life time for a child.

Voices for the Unborn is dedicated to informing and educating the public on pro-life and pro-family issues. To read our Mission Statement,  use this link. You can also follow us on Facebook, Google, and Pinterest. Help spread the word by sharing our articles on your favorite social networks.

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