
Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Planned Parenthood Board Member Works in Office of D.A. Who Indicted David Daleiden


By Steven Ertelt  

As Life News reported on Monday, a Texas grand jury has ignored the videos exposing a Houston-based Planned Parenthood abortion clinic caught selling aborted baby body parts and has instead indicted the man behind producing the expose’ videos.

The Texas grand jury indicted David Daleiden and another pro-life activist, Sandra Merritt, behind the videos. Instead of prosecuting Planned Parenthood for selling aborted baby parts, Daleiden was indicted for buying them.

Daleiden and Merritt were charged with one felony related to tampering with a governmental record and a misdemeanor count related to buying human tissue. The felony charge was in reference to the use of a fake ID. If convicted, Daleiden faces 20 years in prison while Planned Parenthood officials face no legal consequences for their actions.

At the same time, Harris County District Attorney Devon Anderson (pictured) announced that Harris County’s investigation into the criminal conduct at Houston’s Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast has ended. Anderson said that the case is closed and that she has no further recourse.

The announcement of the closure of the Planned Parenthood investigation and indictment of Daldiden is very concerning for pro-life advocates — in part because a Planned Parenthood board member works as a prosecutor in the district attorney’s office.

The pro-life group Operation Rescue informed that a prosecutor in the Harris County District Attorney’s office serves on the Board of Directors for Planned Parenthood.

1 comment:

  1. Re the fake ID...what is the typical charge for a fake ID? In what situation was the fake ID used???

    Re the other charge...If there was an actual illegal transaction...what of the other party (planned patenthood)?

    Re any other undercover journalistic activities...Are similar legal judgments imposed or are extra harsh standards applied here???
