
Thursday, January 28, 2016

As March for Life Gathers, New Threats to Human Dignity


by Most Rev. William E. Lori 
America - The National Catholic Review

The legalization of abortion in 1973 unleashed a significant threat against human dignity. By narrowing the definition of a human person, the United States Supreme Court eliminated legal protections for the most vulnerable. Since that fateful decision, over 55 million unborn children have lost their lives to abortion.

Today, we see a new threat to human dignity, as conscience protections for people with moral or religious objections to abortion are being taken away. Powerful individuals and institutions in our society seek to force people to be part of the abortion business.

In 2009, Cathy DeCarlo, a nurse and woman of faith, was forced to participate in a 22-week abortion against her will. Despite her protests, her supervisors required that she assist at an abortion involving the dismemberment of an unborn child, leading her to suffer long-term psychological trauma, including graphic nightmares and insomnia.
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The Most Rev. William E. Lori is the archbishop of Baltimore.

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