
Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Woman Conceived in Rape: I’m Not a Child of the Rapist, I’m a Child of God


By  Micaiah Bilger

When people make an exception for abortion in cases of rape, they probably are not thinking about people like Mary Rathke.

Rathke was born after her mother was raped and chose life for her. Now she works to help people see the life-threatening implications of rape exceptions for people like herself.

During the March for Life on Jan. 22 in Washington, D.C., Rathke told the Family Research Council, “I’m here because I was conceived in rape, and so many different times I hear people say ‘I’m pro-life’ except in the case of Mary Rathke.”

“That’s really my story, and I want everyone to know that while the world might think that I’m the child of a rapist, God looks at me and says I’m a child of God,” she said, according to CNS News.

“We need to defend all life. We need to care for both victims – the mother and the child,” she said. “We need to give her care and compassion, because pregnancy is temporary, and death is permanent, and she will carry the guilt of that abortion even though someone else raped her, so we need to love them both.”

Writing for LifeNews in 2014, she described herself and other children conceived in rape as minorities who often are targets of hate. She said some people have told her that she should have been aborted.

“Can you look me in the eyes and tell me my mother should have had the option of legally aborting me and that my life is not worth fighting for?” she challenged.

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