
Monday, January 11, 2016

Join the Susan B. Anthony List at the March for Life

Will you be at the March for Life this year?

from Marjorie Dannenfelser,President
Susan B. Anthony List

The theme of this year's March – which takes place on Friday, January 22, in Washington, D.C.– is "Pro-Life and Pro-Woman Go Hand-in-Hand."

This theme emphasizes the reason for much of what your Susan B. Anthony List does as the political arm of the pro-life movement.

SBA List exists to advance pro-life leaders who, in turn, fight for lifesaving legislation. Thanks to you – as well as the efforts of our congressional allies in the last year – we have seen historic votes on compassionate legislation including the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act and defunding Planned Parenthood.

Those initiatives are all about protecting the lives of unborn babies and their mothers.

I hope you can be at the March for Life this year, Pat. I will be speaking at the rally prior to the March to introduce a very special video that you'll hear more about in the weeks to come.

I hope to see you there!

For more information on the schedule of events and other activities surrounding the 2016 March for Life, visit their website using this link.  

SBA List exists to pass laws that protect unborn children and their mothers from abortion

SBA combines politics with policy, investing heavily in voter education to ensure that pro-life Americans know where their lawmakers stand on protecting the unborn, and in issue advocacy, advancing pro-life laws through direct lobbying and grassroots campaigns.  For more information or to make a donation to the SBA List, please use this link.  

The mission of the March for Life is to provide all Americans with a place to testify to the beauty of life and the dignity of each human person. Both in January, on the anniversary of legalized abortion in the US, and throughout the year we bring together pro-life leaders and groups to organize, unite and strategize around a common message, and to communicate this message to the government, the media and the nation in a way that is powerful and life affirming.  

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