
Monday, January 11, 2016

Planned Parenthood Got a Raise … At Your Expense

by Matthew Clark

Planned Parenthood – the nation’s largest abortion provider – just got a substantial raise in taxpayer funding, yet is “serving” fewer and fewer women.

The abortion giant builds its reputation on the supposed “care” it provides women, but pads its bank accounts from abortion.

Planned Parenthood’s latest annual report shows that it took in more than$553,700,000 in taxpayer funding. That’s a nice 5% increase in taxpayer funding, while providing 11% fewer “services.”

So Planned Parenthood got a significant raise for doing less work. As LifeNews notes:

It appears to be a part of a bigger problem: Planned Parenthood is having an increasingly difficult time getting customers of any kind through its doors.

The 2,500,000 patients Planned Parenthood saw in 2014 is the lowest annual number reported by Planned Parenthood since 1998. A quick look at the numbers contained in its report shows that the number of “services” PP provided to its customers fell from 10,590,333 in 2013 to 9,455,582 in 2014. This represents an 11 percent drop in services provided by Planned Parenthood.

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