
Thursday, January 21, 2016

Love 101: Back To Basics

Is it easy to date chastely? No. But is it worth it? Absolutely.

United States Conference of Catholic Bishops 

Remembering Who We Are
Like many other American children, I couldn't wait to buy The Lion King* when it was first released on video. Now, years later, there's a particular message in that movie that takes on deeper meaning as I think back on it.

I clearly remember the scene when the spirit of Mufasa tells Simba, his self-exiled son, to remember his identity. (As the deceased king's son, Simba is the rightful king.) This reminder motivates Simba to give up his life of leisure and, like the king he is, walk the more challenging road to which he is called.

Sometimes, we also need reminders of who we are and what we are made for. As baptized Christians, we are sons and daughters of our Heavenly Father. God, who isLove and who loves us beyond comprehension, wants us to live forever with Him in full and perfect love. We were created for this love, and our relationships on earth are meant to help us, and others, grow in this love.

Growing in Love
Do you think of chastity as "just a bunch of rules" that prevent us from expressing affection? On the contrary, we can discover true love through the practice of chastity, "the successful integration of sexuality within the person and thus the inner unity of man in his bodily and spiritual being" (CCC no. 2337).

The author of this article is a young professional who has a passion for sharing her ever-deepening discovery that the Church's teachings are rooted in love and help us become most fully ourselves.

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