
Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Your Voice Needed NOW for Unborn Babies Who Have no Voice‏

from Carol Tobias
National Right to Life President

This Tuesday, January 26th, with the chants of hundreds of thousands of pro-life marchers still ringing in their ears, members of the U.S. House of Representatives will cast a key vote for the future of the unborn.

They will vote on whether to override President Obama's January 8th veto of H.R. 3762, the "pro-life budget reconciliation bill." This bill contains a provision that would cut off most federal funds to Planned Parenthood for one year -- about $400 million. In addition, the bill would repeal many major parts of the Obamacare law, including the program that provides taxpayer subsidies to about 1,000 health plans that pay for elective abortions.

Many of the hundreds of thousands who walk in the annual March for Life in Washington D.C. on Friday will be also visiting their representatives to encourage them to vote to override Obama's veto. But we still very much need your voice to add to the cry to cut Planned Parenthood's funding and to repeal anti-life provisions of Obamacare.

Please click here to view our important Call Alert at National Right to Life's Legislative Action Center. When you're there, enter your zip code in the box above. You will be shown the name of the person who represents you in the U.S. House, and the correct phone number to call to ask your U.S. House member to vote to override President Obama's veto of this important pro-life bill. You will also see suggested short talking points that you can refer to, if you wish, when you reach the lawmaker's staff person.

Also, you'll see an optional short form that you can use to send a quick e-mail to National Right to Life, to report on how your call went. This feedback will assist National Right to Life in its lobbying efforts on behalf of life.

Thank you very much for speaking out for the unborn babies who have no way of speaking up for themselves. Your voice on their behalf is deeply appreciated!

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