
Friday, January 8, 2016

March for Life to Draw Hundreds of Thousands to Washington Monument for Annual Pro-Life Event


By Micaiah Bilger 

Pro-lifers will have a little further to walk this year in Washington, D.C. on the 2016 March for Life.

This year, the annual event will begin near the Washington Monument, rather than the National Mall lawn, and continue about 1.8 miles to the U.S. Supreme Court building, where the infamous abortion ruling Roe v. Wade was handed down 43 years ago.

The rally will begin at noon on the grounds of the Washington Monument, near the corner of 15th Street and Constitution Avenue. After the rally, the march will begin on Constitution Avenue between 15th and 17th streets at about 1 p.m., according to the March for Life website.

Headlining the rally will be former NFL Super Bowl champion Matt Birk. Following the Raven’s victory, Birk chose not to participate in the White House Super Bowl celebratory meeting with President Obama because of the president’s support for Planned Parenthood, a decision that received significant media coverage.

This year, the theme is “Pro-Woman, Pro-Life.” March for Life director Jeanne Mancini told LifeNews that they chose the theme to tackle the false “war on women” rhetoric.

“It has been said — politically and culturally — that for one to be pro-woman one must be pro-choice,” Mancini said. “But nothing could be further from the truth. Sadly, there are so many confusing messages regarding women and the issue of abortion, compounded by the false ‘war on women’ rhetoric.

“The truth is that life is the empowering choice for women. It’s best for women and families facing unplanned pregnancies, and it’s best for developing female babies in the womb. Abortion harms women, and affects our society as a whole, in so many ways,” Mancini continued. “Through our 2016 theme, ‘Pro-life and Pro-Woman Go Hand-in-Hand,’ we will explore this topic in many ways, and we will push back against the Planned Parenthood machine.”

The march organizers encourage people to use the hashtag #WhyWeMarch on Twitter and share their personal, pro-life stories. Building up to the big event, the March for Life website has been sharing people’s #WhyWeMarch tweets on its website.

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