
Friday, January 8, 2016

Volunteers Needed for Center for Bio-Ethical Reform of MD "Genocide Awareness Project" at the March For Life

By Kurt Linneman

Record numbers of pro-life people are expected to show up this year at the national March for Life in Washington, DC to declare their solidarity with the pre-born and their commitment to ending abortion. 

If you attend the March, you'll see CBR Maryland there. Our 15 foot tall, 90 foot long Genocide Awareness Project display, which graphically compares abortion to other historically recognized genocides, will be impossible to miss. We will have dozens of volunteers on hand, mixing in the crowd and distributing anti-abortion literature and encouraging pro-life passers-by on the microphone to get move active. 

If you feel the same way we feel, and would be willing to take part in the most important pro-life activity you'll ever do, please contact us at or 443-504-5174. You will not regret being a part of this vital quest to change the way the movement moves. 

We need as many inexperienced hands to help set up the display from 8:00 am until 11:00 am on Friday January 22, 2016. Please add extra time for parking and heavy traffic and plan to arrive promptly at 8:00 am. Then, after the March is finished, around 3:00 pm, we will need all available hands to disassemble the display. No experience necessary, in fact we encourage new volunteers to get active. 

The GPS location is 333 Constitution Avenue NW, Washington DC. Please meet us at the General George Meade Statue located in front of the Lincoln group building just a little east of the Canadian embassy. see map

Please send us an email or phone call if you plan to attend. Hope to see you there. 

Until Love and Life Prevail, 

The CBR Maryland team

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