
Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Marching for Life, Mother Teresa, and Mrs. Clinton

by Sean Fitzpatrick
Crisis Magazine 

“Why do you think we haven’t had a woman as president yet?” First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton asked her guest over their lunch at the White House.

The little woman sitting at table with Mrs. Clinton did not hesitate in her reply.

“Because she has probably been aborted,” said Mother Teresa.

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This year, there is a particular poignancy in the annual gathering of half a million people in Washington DC peacefully protesting the Supreme Court’s 1973 ruling of Roe v Wade. This year, two women who have been prominent in the modern history of the abortion debate will feature prominently on a global stage. This year, Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta will be canonized a saint of the Catholic Church. This year, too, Hillary Rodham Clinton will run to become the first woman elected president of the United States. The thousands who march on the mall in DC should keep these two women in mind as they take a stand for the defenseless babies legally murdered in their mothers’ wombs by the millions. The one is a champion as an abortion adversary, the other a challenge as an abortion advocate. In this year of her canonization, the words and works of Mother Teresa over this issue of issues should inspire and encourage those who march the earth as the Church Militant, serving as a charitable defense and demonstration against those seduced by moral relativism. Only direct kindness, as Mother Teresa’s, can penetrate such armor—as once it did, when the saint moved Hillary Clinton to open a center for adoption in Washington DC.

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