
Monday, January 25, 2016

Supreme Court Won’t Let North Dakota Ban Abortions on Unborn Babies After 6 Weeks

By Steven Ertlet

The Supreme Court is refusing to allow the state of North Dakota to ban abortions done on unborn babies after 6 weeks of pregnancy. The high court turned away North Dakota’s appeal of a lower court decision overturning the abortion ban the state legislature approved.

The decision is not surprising given the high court still has a pro-abortion majority that support Roe v. Wade, which allows virtually unlimited abortions throughout pregnancy and essentially prevents states from protecting most unborn children.

As LifeNews previously reported, at 22 days into pregnancy unborn children complete the development of their heart to the point that a heartbeat begins and the bill would stop abortions at that point. The law was meant to ban abortions when the unborn babies heartbeat begins but would have been applied at six weeks of pregnancy.

A federal appeals court had previously overturned the law. The Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals said the following about their ruling on the six-week ban: “Because there is no genuine dispute that (North Dakota’s law) generally prohibits abortions before viability — as the Supreme Court has defined that concept — and because we are bound by Supreme Court precedent holding that states may not prohibit pre-viability abortions, we must affirm the district court’s grant of summary judgment to the plaintiffs.”

Now, the nation’s highest court has also prevented North Dakota from putting the law in place:

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