
Monday, January 25, 2016

The 40 Days for Life Podcast!

from Shawn Carney, Campaign Director
40 Days for Life

As 2016 opens, it's clear that there is great momentum building in the pro-life movement. A record number of people are now identifying as pro-life ...

... and many are acting on that belief for the first time ever!

Thus far, 40 Days for Life has seen more than 675,000 people stand up and speak out for those who cannot speak for themselves

To build on this momentum, we are launching a new project that can help get even more people praying and working to end abortion where they live.

If you're already a podcast fan, then you'll want to subscribe on iTunes now.

Don't know what a podcast is?

In short, it's an internet-based radio program that you can listen to online, or save to your computer, phone or other portable device to listen to whenever and wherever you want – and the message goes straight from us to you!

We're launching our podcast with the first three episodes:
#1: The culture, 40 days and YOU
#2: Overcoming fear
#3: Hope after 43 years of abortion
Each one is about 25 minutes long, and packed full of stories about exciting victories. The podcast will also include exclusive interviews from pro-life leaders ... and ways YOU can help make a difference where you live.

The best thing about these podcasts? They're easy to find and listen to!

Please subscribe to the podcast – and review the show to help rank and spread the pro-life message through iTunes! We'll add a new show each Tuesday.

As we prepare to mark 43 years of legalized abortion in the United States, the 40 Days for Life podcast is a great way to help recharge your batteries, share some good news in the culture war, and get inspiration going into the next campaign on February 10!

So give it a listen ... and please let us know what you think. We're really excited about this! Here's that link again.

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