
Tuesday, January 26, 2016

The Real Meaning Behind the Brief Submitted by 113 Pro-abortion Female Lawyers


By Dave Andrusko

We’ve written twice and probably should have posted at least one more story about the friend of the court brief submitted by 113 female lawyers who’d had abortions. Their message to the Supreme Court considering portions of Texas’s 2013 law? “To the world, I am an attorney who had an abortion, and, to myself, I am an attorney because I had an abortion.”

That’s the takeaway from Janice MacAvoy, who was one of the 113 signees. As she explained, although this lead from the brief were not her words, they could have been. Without the abortion 35 years ago, all the success she has since attained would have been impossible.

Thus, “It is critical that the court hear the voices of women like me whose access to safe and legal abortion allowed us to take control of our destinies and decide for ourselves when or if we would start our families.”

There are many messages embedded in the brief and in MacAvoy’s op-ed. And because the attorneys are arguing that abortion was the pivotal decision in their lives, many inconvenient truths must, at all costs, be avoided.

For example, she never pauses for a moment to reflect on how she became pregnant even though as she was about to graduate from high school, MacAvoy “was determined to break a cycle of poverty and teenage pregnancy that had shaped the lives of the previous three generations of women in my family — all mothers by age 18.”

Nor is there a nanosecond’s worth of reflection on the one whose extinction she credits with her success. All we’re told is that virtually no woman regrets her abortion, which is sheer nonsense, as Dr. Randall K. O’Bannon, NRLC’s director of education, demonstrated when he dug beneath the surface of the reassuring pro-abortion studies.

Read more:

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