
Saturday, February 27, 2016

40 Days for Life Midway Events in Chester County, Pennsylvania

From Paulette Matthews
Chester County Pro-Life

  • Midway Prayer Events
  • Knight of Columbus Honors Father Michael J. McGivney
  • Two Must Read Books

Midway Prayer Events

On March 5th from 9 AM to 10 AM, 40 Days will be joining with the Helpers of God Precious Infants to say the rosary in front of PP and then retire to St. Agnes' cafeteria for a continental breakfast and pro-life updates for our local areas. The Helpers are present at PP every 1st Saturday year round. Great way to meet more pro-life prayer warriors! All are invited to attend.

Later the same day at 1:30 PM to 2:30 PM an ecumenical prayer service will be lead by Thomas Ackerman. Tom embraces the Messianic Jewish faith. We are hoping to reach out to the PP workers as they leave for the day at 2 PM with information from Abby Johnson's "And Then There Were None" ministry.

Hopefully, this will give the worker a chance to reconsider their life choices and have the help they need to leave the abortion industry.

Knight of Columbus Honors Father Michael J. McGivney
March 15 8 AM to 8 PM

Pope Benedict XVI declared Fr. Michael J. McGivney venerable on March 15, 2008 approving a degree of "Heroic Virtue" for the parish priest who founded the Knights of Columbus.

Through the Knight of Columbus, Fr. McGivney gave laymen a new opportunity-the chance to grow in holiness while contributing to their parishes, communities and security of their families. All men are invited to stand in solidarity witnessing for the sanctity of human life and showing that men do take on the responsibly of fatherhood as men are the authors of life so designed by God.

Open Days Left in Front of PP

March 1st - 2nd - 4th - 11th are the days left that no church or organization has adopted to try and fill the hours from 8 AM to 8 PM in front of Planned Parenthood.

March 1st will have people there from 8 AM to 12 Noon. The rest of the the hours are pretty much in need of peaceful prayer participants. If you can, try and fill some of the hours.

Check the vigil schedule and see if you can pair up with someone or someone might want to pair up with you. To post your vigil hours go to
Yes, I am encouraging everyone to use the vigil calendar, if possible, as it will encourage others to come down and pray if they know that you may be there. 

The children are in need of your prayers so, please, come and pray which ever way works best for you.

Sign up for an hour on the vigil calendar. 


Through the outreaching of Pastor Joseph Stigora, Providence Church, 430 Hannum Avenue is allowing those that participate in 40 Days For Life Campaign by praying in front of Planned Parenthood to park free of charge on their parking lot.

  Two "Must Read" Books


"We Choose Life" is a collection of compelling stories from men and women who are dedicated to rescuing babies, mothers and fathers from abortion.

Included in the book, is our own Jewels Green who shared her life journey with us in West Chester recounts her story from the tragedy of abortion to living in the fullness of God's love.

(Click on image  for more information and/or to purchase on Amazon) 

This book narrates the harrowing and life-changing experiences of former abortion clinic workers, including those of the author, who once directed abortion services at a large Planned Parenthood clinic in Texas. These individuals, whose names have been changed to protect their identities, left their jobs in the abortion industry after experiencing a change of heart. They have come forward with their stories, not for fame or notoriety, but to shed light on the reality of abortion. They want their stories to change the lives of others for the better.

(Click on image for more information and/or to purchase on Amazon)

Voices for the Unborn is dedicated to informing and educating the public on pro-life and pro-family issues. To read our Mission Statement, use this link. You can also follow us on Facebook, Google, and Pinterest. Help spread the word by sharing our articles on your favorite social networks.

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