
Saturday, February 27, 2016

ACTION APPEAL from Hometown Pro-Life Action

from John Pisciotta
Director of Pro-Life Waco

ACTION APPEAL I write because I am upset. You could say angry about what happened Thursday the 25th at “Catholic” Seattle University. If you are upset at Planned Parenthood speaking at a campus event with a blasphemous flyer you see in this article, PLEASE join me in ACTION. The HTPLA group can have a big impact. There are more than 6000 of us. See below the contact information for Seattle University AND the Catholic Archdiocese of Seattle (which has oversight over the university).

This is what written about the PP speaker on the flyer.
Dr. Pentlicky from Planned Parenthood of Seattle will be giving a presentation and discussing her experience of being raised Catholic and how she came to be a full-spectrum reproductive health care provider.
 This is my on-line message to the Archdiocese of Seattle
“I don't live in Washington. I live in Texas. However, last evening's immoral and disgraceful seminar at the University of Seattle is my business. The Catholic Church belongs to me and much as to you. A flyer for a contraction seminar with the crucifix of our Lord replaced by an IUD? I can't get the image out of my mind and I am very upset.”
Use the contact information to send multiple messages to Seattle. Communicate no matter what country you live in. Communicate if you are Catholic or not Catholic.

Recall the HTPLA turned on TV state poll for 28% all the way to 60% supporting the Archbishop of St. Louis for breaking with Girl Scouts. We can have a big impact. THIS GROUP is not mainly about sharing and thinking. THIS GROUP is about ACTION.
For Seattle University
President Rev. Stephen Sundborg
901 12th Avenue, Seattle, WA 98122 
Nursing School Dean
Dr. Kirsten Swanson
Dr. Anne Hirsch
For the Arch Diocese of Seattle
Most Reverend Archbishop J. Peter Sartain
Archdiocese of Seattle
710 9th Avenue, Seattle WA 98104
Online message page www(dot)


Update: At about 6:40 p.m. Eastern the student group sponsoring the event posted on Facebook: "In order to comply with the institution’s request that we represent multiple viewpoints at this event we have decided to postpone. Sorry for the inconvenience we look forward to continuing this dialog beyond Facebook."

Update: On February 25 at 8 p.m., Seattle University President Father Stephen V. Sundborg, S.J., sent the following statement to the Newman Society:  Use this link for Fr. Sundborg's statement

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