
Thursday, February 11, 2016

A Message from Rev. Clenard H. Childress Jr.

L.E.A.R.N Northeast Newsletter‏

Greetings Greetings Co-Laborers In Christ!

The picture above is part of the team walking down the streets of the city of “Brotherly Love." It’s so important to be in the public square with the Life message. Learn Northeast is not going away till every child has access to life liberty and the pursuit of happiness. (use this link to read an article by Maria Gallagher,  Legislative Director of the Pennsylvania Pro-Life Federation pertaining to this Say So March). 

Each month that passes heightens interest in America on the issues that they will be voting on in November. Yes, He or She (did I say she?) that sits in the White House as commander and chief is important, but reaching the people that will decide who sits there is far more important. Marches, radio, Web, TV along with web sites and face book have certainly increased the awareness of the public. Social activism is imperative and African American activism must continue to grow. LEARN Northeast has taken on that task, as well as public awareness heavily and is a ministry that has earned credibility.
The civil rights movement benefited from a surge of activist many which came from college campuses and civic groups. I am still amazed at how impacting our 'ALL BLACK LIFE MATTERS PROJECT" works with the Black as well as the white community. It is amazing the connections we quickly make with the most vehement op-posers!

Please Help Us Get To Columbus! We will be at the Ohio State University Law School to challenge the Black Law Students and Deans to recant their opposition to free journalism and cease from attempting to censor conservative opinions that oppose their liberal ideology. (Click here to donate now to L.E.A.R.N.)

We will be traveling in a couple of weekends from now and preparation is not complete. Your timely donation towards this project ensures our success and prepares us to start planning others during this critical year. Reaching the critical mass is always a daunting task but LEARN Northeast has met the challenge. Your Donation goes a long way and supply's a resource to African America activist that are willing to expose the false narrative of "Black Life Matters" and begin a real conversation on the hypocrisy of Black Leadership and the truth about abortion.

Pastor Clenard Howard Childress, Jr., a life long resident of Montclair, New Jersey, joined the New Calvary Baptist Church in September of 1974 under the pastorate of Dr. Shellie Sampson. In 1978, he was appointed Director of the Youth Department, to organize and educate youth. He also served as Chairman of the Board of Trustees, Superintendent of the Sunday School Department and Vice-President of the Outreach Ministries.

Pastor Childress successfully completed Northern Baptist School of Religion in 1986 where he majored in Christian Education. Use this link to learn more about Rev. Childress.  

For more information on L.E.A.R.N Northeast, use this link.  

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