
Thursday, February 11, 2016

Will You Accept My Lenten Prayer Challenge?

Eric Scheidler, Executive Director
Pro-Life Action League

In years past, I've asked you to pray and fast during Lent for people involved one way or another in the abortion industry.

This year, I'm asking you to pray for three figures at the very center of the Planned Parenthood baby parts scandal: Dr. Deborah Nucatola, Dr. Mary Gatter and Cecile Richards.

Deborah Nucatola was featured in the first undercover video casually discussing -- over wine and salad -- the best way to "crush" an unborn baby to harvest her body parts.

Mary Gatter famously joked that she wanted "a Lamborghini" as compensation for providing body parts from aborted babies.

And of course, Cecile Richards, Planned Parenthood CEO, did everything in her power to discredit the undercover videos and deny Planned Parenthood did anything wrong.

Will you join me in praying for these three women this Lent, Unborn?

I know it might be hard to pray for these women -- the architects of Planned Parenthood's horrific trafficking in fetal tissue -- but if you and I don't pray for them, WHO WILL?

Please join me PRAYING every day and FASTING from one meal each week during Lent for these three abortion industry leaders.

I will pray that you have a blessed Lent, and ask you to pray for me, too. And together, let us pray that these three women will come to know God's love and mercy.

To help spread the word about this year's Lenten Prayer Challenge, please watch my LATEST VIDEO below and share on social media. This video also includes key clips from all three of the women we're praying for.

The Pro-Life Action League was founded by Joseph M. Scheidler in 1980 with the aim of saving unborn children through non-violent direct action.

We are doing all we can to stop the killing and the exploitation. Some of our key activities are:
  • Abortion Clinic Presence
  • Public Protest
  • Confronting the Abortionists
  • Promoting and Defending Activism
  • Broadcasting the Pro-Life Message
  • Youth Outreach
Use this link to learn more about the Pro-Life Action League 

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