
Saturday, February 27, 2016

Action Alert from Priests for Life

Thank the Senators who pledge to wait until 2017 
to consider a new Supreme Court nominee!

from Father Frank Pavone
National Director, Priests for Life

Your efforts have paid off!

There is tremendous pressure on the Senate Judiciary Committee and the Senate as a whole to approve whoever President Obama nominates to take Justice Scalia’s place.

Thank God, the Republicans on the Senate Judiciary Committee are fighting back against this pressure.

But we must thank them and urge them to remain strong in their resolve.

The confirmation of a third Obama appointee to the Supreme Court, creating a pro-abortion majority, would be a disaster!

As you know, the Supreme Court will be considering vitally important cases this year and in the years to come. Priests for Life’s challenge to the HHS mandate, in fact, will be heard this term. Right now, the court is pretty evenly divided with regard to abortion-related and religious liberty cases.

One more Obama appointee and every pro-life law in every state could be struck down, every attack on religious freedom upheld!

The majority in the Senate Judiciary Committee has stated in writing, though, that they will not let this happen.

The Republicans on the committee have sent a letter to Majority Leader Mitch McConnell declaring that they want to allow the American people to vote for the next President before holding hearings on a nominee to the Supreme Court.

In their letter, they state without ambiguity,
"We wish to inform you of our intention to exercise our constitutional authority to withhold consent on any nominee to the Supreme Court submitted by this President to fill Justice Scalia’s vacancy."

I have placed the full text of their encouraging letter on the link below.

I have no doubt that the phone calls that our Priests for Life Family has already made to their Senators has contributed to the resolve we now see.

But we have to keep encouraging them! Therefore, I'm asking you to make another phone call, this time to the office of the Judiciary Committee, and express gratitude to their members.

So please click here for further instructions on making the phone call we need you to make.

This is the type of action that Priests for Life can take nationwide as we mobilize our movement. To help make it possible for Priests for Life to conduct campaigns such as this one, please click here and be as generous as you can.

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