
Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Carol Everett on Second Sunday Launches PLW into Springtime of Pro-life Action


from John Pisciotta (The Protest Retireee) 
Director of Pro-Life Waco

1. Carol Everett headlines Second Sunday luncheon/meeting

In addition to Valentine’s Day, February 14 was Second Sunday Pro-Life Luncheon Meeting in Waco. We had an excellent turnout of about 80 and a more-than-excellent speaker in Carol Everett--founder of the Heidi Group in Round Rock, Texas. Carol is active in crafting Texas legislation to save the lives of the innocent unborn and protect pregnant women deceived and endangered by the abortion industry. She talked about the HB2 Texas pro-life law and its prospects before the Supreme Court. She also talked about the legal challenges and opportunities ahead in a potential David Daleiden trial. The upside is that PP may have to reveal correspondence and data that has been concealed. Carol is a longtime friend of Pro-Life Waco and the author of Scarlett Lady: Confessions of a Successful Abortionist. Here are some photos from Pro-Life Waco’s Second Sunday. Here are some sights of Second Sunday. Sorry many of you were not there to enjoy the sounds and tastes.

2. Monthly Protest BOA in Austin is Tuesday, February 16, 515 Congress Avenue

The Austin location is Bank of America at 515 Congress Ave. Time is 11-1 p.m. We will again vanpool from the St. Mary’s parking lot at 15th and Columbus Avenue departing at 9 AM. We will stop in Georgetown for lunch and be back in Waco by about 4 p.m. We take up our pro-life positions for engagement with pedestrians, bikers, auto travelers, and bank employees and customers.
I have noticed that BOA has revamped their web page on grants to make it appear that they make matching grant to all 501c3 not-profits. BOA does not. They can exclude Planned Parenthood. Please let me know if you will go to Austin on the 16th for one of the most memorable pro-life events you have ever experienced.

3. Bank of America Protest in Waco every Saturday, 11-1 p.m.

Protest Bank of America is now on Saturdays. Time remains 11 to 1 p.m. The location is 1100 N. Valley Mills Drive. This is a battle of wills. We do have a shot at getting BOA to change it donation policy AND there are so many other positives happening along the way with Protest BOA. There is no problem parking in the Kentucky Fried Chicken lot directly across the street from Bank of America. I hope to see you and your family there. We are send “stand down” messages to many businesses by our direct confrontation with Bank of America.

4. I-35 Overpass Outreach is Saturday Feb., 27, 9-11 am.

What event is so enjoyable and powerful? Yes, it’s an I-35 Pedestrian Overpass Outreach. The day is Saturday, February 27. We will do it 9-11 a.m. to avoid the wind. You have time to organize your family, friends, and church group to join this fulfilling event. The thing I love about “public square” outreach is that we are not just “preaching to the choir.” In “public square” outreach the message also goes out to lukewarm pro-lifers and those now strongly opposed to us. With the short messages of an overpass outreach, no one can look away. All the signs we use are G-Rated.

5. Showing March 31 of selected CMP videos in Waco Public Library 

Public showing of Center for Medical Progress videos in Waco at public library on the evening of Thursday, March 31. I reserved the West Waco Public Library for a public showing of selected videos. Pro-Life Waco will try to do the job that the mainstream media refuses. This will be open to the public—even pro-abortions. Pro-lifers and abortion supporters can come out to see and discuss the videos. More details later.

Pro-Life Waco is a local community-based organization with collaborative relationships with regional and national pro-life affiliations. Pro-Life Waco is committed to ending abortion, its damaging effects among women, and promoting chastity.  Use this link for more information.  

Voices for the Unborn is dedicated to informing and educating the public on pro-life and pro-family issues. To read our Mission Statement, use this link. You can also follow us on Facebook, Google, and Pinterest. Help spread the word by sharing our articles on your favorite social networks.

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