
Monday, February 15, 2016

“We don’t want the word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population…”


By Emily Derois   

Despite its history of targeting the black community for abortion, Planned Parenthood has declared that it is celebrating Black History Month by recognizing “past, present, and future” leaders.

According to Planned Parenthood’s website, the abortion business is committed to “honor these Dream Keepers of the past, present, and future, who continue to stand strong in their commitment to better health care and economic outcomes for the black community.” Yet this attempt to honor the black community remains unconvincing in light of Planned Parenthood’s consistent behavior toward black women and their unborn children.

Planned Parenthood foundress Margret Sanger is well-known for her disdain for African Americans. She referred to them as “weeds” and plotted to eradicate them in her writing.

Sanger wrote of her plan to wipe out the whole population in her book Women, Morality, and Birth Control, “We don’t want the word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population…” Such blatant discrimination is the principle Planned Parenthood was founded on.

This targeting continues even today, as Planned Parenthood uses black women to increase its profits.

As LifeNews previously reported, one study found that 79 percent of Planned Parenthood abortion clinics are placed in low-income minority neighborhoods. The reason for this?Research shows that black women are nearly three-times as likely to have an abortion as Caucasian women. In fact, in New York City, more black babies were aborted in 2013 than were born, according to the city department of health. Planned Parenthood is purposefully making abortion accessible to African Americans, simply because this increase in abortion helps its business.

Planned Parenthood’s actions toward the black community casts a shadow on its sudden attempt to honor African American leaders. Historically Planned Parenthood used black women and targeted their children, and according to their strategic placement of abortion clinics, this is what they continue to do.

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