
Thursday, February 11, 2016

Denver Archbishop: "I became pro-life after stumbling on the body of an aborted baby in a sink."


By John Jalsevac

The newly installed Catholic archbishop of Denver, Colorado, is renowned for his strong pro-life activism, and now we know why.

To mark the 40th anniversary of Roe v. Wade, Archbishop Samuel Aquila has penned a surprisingly personal pastoral letter in which he recounts two disturbing encounters he had with abortion while studying medicine in college – encounters that he says made him pro-life.

Archbishop Aquila explains that when he went to college in the late 1960s, he wasn’t practicing his faith. He spent the first three years working as a hospital orderly and helping in the emergency room.“When I began the job, I hadn’t thought much about human suffering, or about human dignity,” he wrote.

However, that all changed one day when the future archbishop walked into a surgical unit, soon after abortion laws had begun to become more lax.

“I walked into an outer room and in the sink, unattended, was the body of small unborn child who had been aborted,” said Aquila. “I remember being stunned. I remember thinking that I had to baptize that child.”

But, says the archbishop, that experience wasn’t as disturbing as his second encounter with abortion.

Read rest of story:

Blogger's Note: 
As I posted this story, I was overwhelmed with such a deep sense of loss for this precious little baby and the tens of millions of babies lost through abortion in our nation. 

Below is a poem written after my initial involvement in the pro-life movement.  It attempts to express the devastation of abortion to unborn babies, mothers, fathers and families.  

Who Will Mourn?

Who will mourn for the helpless unborn as the slaughter of the innocent daily goes on.

Who will mourn for the life meant to be, woven in the Tapestry of God's family? 

Who will mourn with the mother deceived by the lies of the enemy and in silence must grieve?

Who will mourn with the father denied the hugs and caress of his toddling child?

Who will mourn with the angels above, as they destroy and discard God's Gift of Love?

Who will pray for the soul that is lost, who kill the innocent and not count the cost?

Who will mourn for the innocent unborn, if not the children of God..........Then Who?

Terry Noble, Voices for the Unborn

1 comment:

  1. Abortions are NOT birth control~ it's murder and it's horribly sad that any human would do this. I think every woman who agrees with abortion should be forced to hold her dead baby in her hands, let's see what she thinks after this~
