
Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Doctor Said She Would Never Walk or Talk and Would Die in a “Vegetative State.” He Was Wrong


By Micaiah Bilger

Ana Carolina Caceres may look like an average 24-year-old. A recent college graduate, she is a journalist and blogger. She also plays the violin.

But when she was born, doctors believed Caceres would die or be severely disabled. She was diagnosed with microcephaly, a neurological disorder where a baby’s head is significantly smaller and the brain is abnormally developed, according to the Mayo Clinic. The condition is not typically fatal, but it can cause serious health problems throughout the child’s life.

“On the day I was born, the doctor said I had no chance of survival,” Caceres told the BBC. “’She will not walk, she will not talk and, over time, she will enter a vegetative state until she dies,’ he said.”

The young woman proved the doctor wrong. This week, Caceres said she decided to tell her story to the media because she wants to be a voice for babies with the same condition who are being targeted by abortion activists in South America.

Several South American countries are reporting an alarming spike in the number of babies born with microcephaly. The condition is potentially linked to the Zika virus outbreak, though the link has not yet been confirmed, according to the World Health Organization. “Between October 2015 and January this year medics in [Brazil] have registered almost 4,000 cases of microcephaly in newborns, compared to 163 in a normal year,” according to The Pool.

Abortion activists are using the health crisis to push for legalized abortion in the largely pro-life continent. LifeNews reported that the abortion group Women on Waves also is pressuring women in South America who may be infected with the Zika virus to abort their unborn babies with dangerous, mail-order abortion drugs.

Caceres believes that is a big mistake.

“I believe that abortion is a short-sighted attempt to tackle the problem. The most important thing is access to treatment: counselling for parents and older sufferers, and physiotherapy and neurological treatment for those born with microcephaly.”

Carolina story continues:

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