
Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Group Promotes Post-abortion Healing in the Year of Mercy Using Powerful Sculpture

from LifeSiteNews

January 29, 2016 (LifeSiteNews) -- Young Slovakian sculptor Martin Hudacek has, perhaps better than any other artist, communicated post-abortion pain, mercy and forgiveness. His 2010 sculpture, "Memorial for Unborn Children," has been drawing attention throughout the world since its creation.

Described as "Very beautiful!" by Pope Francis (read message here) it has brought comfort and hope to those who have suffered the consequences of their abortions. The sculpture communicates that out of the pain can come forgiveness, reconciliation and healing through the Love and Mercy of God.

Pope Francis' call for a Jubilee Year of Mercy has provided added stimulus to spread the need for and the possibility of post-abortion reconciliation and healing.

One pro-life organization is urging concerned individuals to use the photo-image of the sculpture to create awareness of the damage abortion does not only to the child, but also to the mother, father, and all those involved in it, and to offer hope that healing is possible.

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