
Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Invoices from Houston Planned Parenthood Show Profit from Aborted Baby Remains


Houston, Texas – Yesterday, Operation Rescue’s Texas attorney, Briscoe Cain, released never-before seen documents that show Planned Parenthood engaged in providing fetal body parts from aborted babies to four public-funded Texas universities.

Cain stated in a news conference held in front of the Houston Planned Parenthood office that the documents “appear to throw water on Planned Parenthood’s claim that they do not profit from the sale of fetal tissue, but only make enough to cover their costs.”

These documents add to mounting evidence that the Harris County grand jury’s decision to “clear” Planned Parenthood was motivated not on the evidence, but by bias against Operation Rescue President Troy Newman, for complaints filed against another Houston abortionist, Douglas Karpen, in 2013. Newman served as a founding board member for the Center for Medical Progress, which released a series of undercover video summaries last year that clearly showed Planned Parenthood was illegally profiting from the sale of aborted baby remains.

Instead, the grand jury indicted CMP head David Daleiden, and his associate, Sandra Merritt, who appeared in the undercover videos taken at the Houston Planned Parenthood office.

“It is now clear that the Harris County grand jury never really investigated Planned Parenthood,” said Cheryl Sullenger, Senior Vice President of Operation Rescue. “Because of this new evidence, we renew our call for a new grand jury to investigate Planned Parenthood to be directed by an independent special prosecutor not related in any way to Devon Anderson, anyone in the Harris County District Attorney’s office, or Anderson’s friend, Chip Lewis.”

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