
Wednesday, February 3, 2016

#IStandWithDavid: Replay + Announcement

from David Bereit, National Director
40 Days for Life

4,346 people packed onto last night's #IStandWithDavid webcast featuring video investigator David Daleiden ...

... and the replay of the entire event is now online (use this link to hear webcast) 
On that page, you can listen via streaming audio or download the MP3 file to your computer or mobile device.

You'll hear from:
  • David Daleiden, Center for Medical Progress
  • Chuck LiMandri, Freedom of Conscience Defense Fund
  • Katie Short, Life Legal Defense Foundation
  • Peter Breen, Thomas More Society
These experts revealed breaking news about the undercover investigation that caught Planned Parenthood red-handed in the grisly practice of harvesting and trafficking aborted baby body parts.

You'll also hear the latest updates on the major legal attacks launched against David Daleiden in Los Angeles, San Francisco, and Houston.

And finally, you'll hear the BIG announcement about a group of committed donors who issued a $50,000 matching challenge for David Daleiden's Legal Defense Fund.

These donors want to encourage you and others to join them in standing with David — to ensure that the TRUTH is not silenced by Planned Parenthood, the rest of the abortion industry, and their powerful government allies.
Bottom line: your tax-deductible gift to the David Daleiden Legal Defense Fund will be instantly doubled up to ...

... $50,000!
To stand with David and make your most generous gift to the Legal Defense Fund, use this link. 

REMEMBER: Time is of the essence! As we learned last night on the webcast, David Daleiden and his attorneys will be appearing in the Houston courtroom tomorrow ... and they need our help now. 

Note from David Bereit: One of the four action items on last night's webcast was to participate in the next big opportunity to make an impact where you live: the 40 Days for Life Campaign that begins next Wednesday, February 10. Pray about it ... and then get involved!

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