
Monday, February 22, 2016

Medical Waste Companies Keep Abortion Alive

from Mark Harrington
National Director, Created Equal

Columbus, OhioFebruary 22, 2016 - Abortionist Renee Chelian admits that the problem of disposing of aborted babies could shut abortion centers all across America. Because Stericycle is Planned Parenthood's largest medical waste disposal company, severing the link between the two would likely bring the abortion giant to a halt. In a war we need a strategy not just tactics. Affecting the supply side of the abortion equation is an important part of our strategy. Affecting demand for abortion by only trying to change hearts, and save lives is insufficient to win. Just as in the Jewish holocaust, the urgency of the matter requires attempting to shut down the killing machine by whatever lawful means necessary.

We have a short window of time to put pressure on Stericycle and these medical waste companies to stop doing the dirty work of Planned Parenthood.

If the link is severed between Stericycle and Planned Parenthood, they would be forced to shut down!


  1. Send Created Equal pictures and video of the medical waste companies that service your local Planned Parenthood. Send information to
  2. Contact CEO Charles Alutto at 847-607-2004 or and respectfully request that Stericycle stop disposing of aborted babies and the instruments that kill them.
  3. Sign the petition to stop Stericycle from collaborating in the deaths of millions of babies by abortion.

Last summer and fall, Created Equal helped lead 100,000 activists to protest at over 600 Planned Parenthood clinics in each of the fifty states. This coalition is capable of mounting serious opposition to Stericycle (See

Please donate to Created Equal, PO Box 360502, Columbus, OH 43236 or click HERE to give electronically. Your gifts are tax deductible.

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