
Sunday, February 21, 2016

UN Secretary General Pushes Abortion in New UN Document Promoting “Humanitarian Goals”


By Micaiah Bilger

In big and small ways, United Nations officials have been trying to push the legalization of abortion world-wide for decades.

Though pro-life nations and groups have succeeded in resisted the pressure, UN leaders have not given up their pro-death agenda. In the latest attempt, UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon included abortion in his plan to address the global humanitarian crisis, according to the Center for Family and Human Rights, or C-Fam.

Ki-moon’s report “One Humanity: Shared Responsibility” urges countries to give women the “right” to abortion as part of their larger humanitarian objectives, according to the report.

According to the group:  In the report, alongside well established humanitarian responses, he urges that “priority” be given to “providing women and adolescents with comprehensive sexual and reproductive health services without discrimination,” a phrase understood by Ban Ki-moon’s staff and some UN member states to include abortion.

The Secretary General has been at the forefront of including abortion in humanitarian efforts, and has gone as far as claiming that providing abortion is an obligation under humanitarian law and the laws of war. In doing so, he is pushing the boundaries of what UN member states consider acceptable.

C-FAM said UN member states likely will object to Ki-moon’s abortion agenda; they rejected similar language last year in a debate about global humanitarian goals. If pushed through, Ki-moon’s abortion agenda would put countries that oppose abortion at a disadvantage in the UN, according to the group.

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